Cultivation Consultants

Why should you use iCrop?

You know best what is important to your work. But the world of agriculture has changed. There are more factors and more complex decisions to make every day than in the past. The plots have become larger and require more sophisticated planning. The number of pesticides available has become smaller, requiring constant decisions.

Icrop can help you make the right choices. You are still the one making the important decisions. The only difference is, your knowledge is backed up with information relevant to all the challenges you face. This not only helps you meet the increasing complexity of your business. It helps you excel in it. And excelling in that means you can work more efficiently, sustainably and economically. So increase your profitability with Icrop!

How does it work?

With the basic application iCrop, you can handle the most common processes in agriculture and horticulture. Various modules have been created for specific applications. iCrop’s modules provide the opportunities to further tailor your services to your customers.

Our specialists have worked with users to develop these modules so that they fit seamlessly with your practice. Specific modules can easily be manufactured for you. Improve your overview of all your advice with iCrop!

How can iCrop support you?

The modules developed by our specialists, allow you to optimize your advice. The various modules cover: crop protection, fertilizers, growth monitor, scout box, stock and harvest.

Icrop is capable of importing and exporting data. In addition, Icrop allows you to monitor your users so that you are always in the loop. All crop operations for cultivation are ready for your growers. You are able to centrally provide large numbers of crops with basic planning. Cultivation recipes can be dynamically adjusted based on plot visits or crop growth models.