Use Case

Plant protection regulations are becoming increasingly complex. At the same time, growers must have their spray registration in order.

Those two points helped prompt crop protection supplier GMN to develop GMN Crop: a tool for sprayer registration.

What others are saying about iCrop

Frank van den Hoek of GMN explains briefly how GMN Crop works: “Those who start with the program can simply draw in their plots. The grower assigns a crop to the plot and can then start scheduling sprays. GMN Crop helps growers act within the guidelines and not make mistakes in registration.”

Reprinted from Greenity. Text: Lilian Braakman. Photography: PR, René Faas

Control function

Lex Broersen of GMN: “We want to give the user peace of mind. When a grower uses GMN Crop, he needs to know it’s right. Entering a spray in advance is most convenient. After all, if something is not possible according to the label, the grower will get an error message with details of what is wrong.”

This control function is unmatchable, according to Van den Hoek. Broersen explains why: “There are other programs, but they broadly indicate what is wrong. We look at every rule on the label, such as what crop the pesticide can be used for, how many gallons per acre is allowed and how many days should be between sprays. In addition, in the program we show the label and all the important information, such as nozzles, safety measures and resistance management.

“You are always current with GMN Crop,” Van den Hoek believes. “When the Board for the Authorization of Plant Protection Products and Biocides makes an adjustment or change, it is updated almost immediately in the program.”


The program has been on the market since January 2017, but was later made more user-friendly. This way, users only need to sign in a plot once. Do they want to do the same spraying on the same plot or a different one? The copy function makes that possible. Broersen: “GMN Crop is a tool for the grower. It is mandatory to make a crop protection monitor. You can do that with this. But several options for reports are possible. One example is that the grower can see exactly how much pesticide he has used at crop or field level. He can also print out a spray. He or an employee can use this printout to fill the sprayer. This printout shows exactly what and how much pesticide is needed for the spray. In addition, the program is vendor-independent. The full range of agents is included in the program.”

How does GMN Crop work?

Exactly how the program works is explained step by step in a short film. It can be seen on Greenity’s website: